If the above statement were true every time I went to grocery store my cart would be filled to the brim with Top Ramen. As a father of two there is no question that cost plays a role in my purchase decisions at the grocery store. However, health, quality, and quantity are also considered. To be clear, I LOVE Top Ramen, but the decision to purchase is rarely a 1:1 relationship with ONLY cost.
Apply this concept to your tour / activity business. When your customers are shopping your service, are they making their purchase decision about your company solely based on price? Maybe. But...I would bet they are looking at your website, reading reviews, talking with friends, and contacting/emailing you. In fact they have probably already visited you before.
Source: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/why-people-buy-factors-influence-purchase-descision
As a tour operator do you provide your customers with the cheapest equipment, cheapest staff, cheapest experience...I'm guessing not. Check out this previous post on the cost of doing business: /cost-of-doing-business . If you base your purchase decisions for your company solely on price, you might miss opportunities and services that that actually generate you more revenue....hint, hint hint....
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