

Written by admin | Jun 2, 2015 10:23:59 PM


JUNE 02TH 2015

At the Flybook, we are working on several (Top Secret...shhhhhh) projects behind the scenes; where most of our day is spent entrenched in "tip of the spear" technology.  Our development team is constantly looking for innovative ways to apply technology solutions to the complicated operations of tour businesses. Today I answered the phone and I was magically transported to 1985. The conversation started like normal, but regressed quickly.  Below is the exchange:


Caller:"...I just don't think people are going to make online reservations for that type of thing without talking to somebody first?"

Me: "What do you mean "talk"?"

Caller: "A phone call."

Me: "What would you say if I told you that I have already "talked" to 10 people today with my phone, and not one of those "conversations" involved talking?"

Caller: "Yes, I guess. But, that's you. Most people don't prefer that."-- with an authoritative almost irritated tone!

Me: "The bad news is... this isn't about preference. This is about reality."

Caller: "The reality is businesses need to communicate directly to their customers." -- in an "I know better than you kid" sort of tone.

Me: "I couldn't agree more! That's why websites, social media, blogs, newsletters, forums, text messages and videos are so important. In 2015, this is how the rest of us communicate."

Caller: "I don't."

Me: "I guess that's why you called me?"

Caller: "Exactly."

Me: "What did you want?"

Caller: "Remember when I used to run faster than you?"

Me: "Bye Dad!"

Certainly we can't forget that good ol' fashioned conversation is still a great way to conduct business. Technology shouldn't be used to replace "talking", it should be used as an additional communication tool should "talking" mean something else to your customer.

If you still need to be convinced that you need to get involved in leveraging technology for your business take a look at the short video below.