

Written by admin | Mar 4, 2015 10:06:31 PM


MARCH 04TH 2015

It can be a magical time of year when the calendar flips or high season becomes the low season.  It is the time of year we pledge to make a new start or take a well deserved do over. At the Flybook™ we get the privilege of working with tour and rental providers, guides, outfitters, and lodge owner’s everyday. We have put together a list of “five thoughts to consider for the upcoming season/year.”  The purpose of this list is to share some of the insights that we have compiled from business owners, employees, and organizations just like you.


Take a breath…you made it through another season! It’s time to reflect and celebrate the year. But, (and it’s a big “but”) it’s also a time to devote serious thought to what has to “change” for next year.


If ‘change’ is a bad word in your office, consider this: when you realize that your pain points cost you money, the change will be much easier to tolerate.  For example, what about making the shift from a paper liability waiver to a digital waiver service?  Depending on location some providers are required to store liability waivers (in some cases for years).  Many people pay monthly storage fees to warehouse their mountains of paper.  Making the simple switch to a digital waiver system might be an option that could save hundreds of dollars.  No to mention, improve your overall service component. Smartwaiver® /


The digital waiver example is just an illustration of why taking a look at the various components of your business and evaluating their effectiveness is so critical.   The same is true with your “time.”  Many people use the off-season to get back the time they lost during the frenzied busy season, and that’s great. But (and its another big but), you have to evaluate your time expenditure as it relates to growing your business. A common use of off season time is cleaning equipment, organizing life jackets, fixing the tour van, and reprinting the fashionable souvenir t-shirts. Of course those are important task and need to be done. What if you also planned to spend meaningful time establishing business relationships with local hotels, B&B’s, and resorts?  What about taking a few days to introduce yourself to the various concierges who serve your area? While there is no question that clean equipment and sharp looking swag is paramount, so is establishing a local distribution network that can funnel new business directly to your front door.

Please complete the form below to receive a pdf that includes links to a few articles to inspire you to shift your focus from working in your business to working on your business.


The next 4 Thoughts will be released shorty.  They will include such riveting titles as: What’s Measureable?, Its important, Future Thought, and Learn. If you want to get more information about the Flybook and our services please visit

If you want to schedule a one on one discussion or demonstration with a Flybook representative visit: