Founded in 2006, The Flybook now helps tour, activity, rental and lodging providers worldwide. Get to know the team behind the work: introducing, Celeste Morton!
Q: What is your job description?
A: I am a Support Specialist which means that I not only help customers learn the software, I help them problem solve. I live in The Flybook day in and day out - and pride myself in knowing the system backwards and forwards. I really enjoy getting to coach clients. One of my very favorite aspects of this job is when I get to surprise a customer with a new functionality that they asked for. It’s truly rewarding to know that we have the ability to help make things better for their business.
Q: What are some tips for users?
A: We have a lot of customization and automation tools in The Flybook. Those who have high tour costs for example, can use our auto-collect features to save an incredible amount of time. Also, I have an artistic background, and so I love to help show customers how to use the tools in email confirmations and gift certificates to design something that truly represents their brand.
Q: What do you think the coolest Flybook feature is?
A: The ability to pre-schedule an activity on the calendar in a snap. And, our web integration tools that are super easy to use and have a modern feel - they just look so great on people’s websites.
Q: Give us a glimpse into daily life at The Flybook - anything people might not expect?
A: I get to bring my pug to work with me! Fay is our beloved office dog. She’s getting up there in age, and in true pug fashion, loud. So, next time you are on the phone with a Flybook rep, keep your ears peeled for her signature snort. On a more serious note, The Flybook culture is extremely collaborative - more so than anywhere I’ve worked. We come together on challenges, opportunities and work through them as a team and it is so much more productive.
Q: What is something others may not know about you?
A: My main passion in life is training for triathlons. I love swimming, biking and running. I started training about 15 years ago and I have been into it ever since. One day I would like to qualify for Ironman Kona, the Ironman world championship held in Hawaii
Q: What do you like about Bend, OR?
A: Just about everything! I love the summers here because I get to train outside so much. The beer culture has definitely rubbed off on me as well, so many microbreweries with endless delicious flavors. The culture is hardworking yet laid back and kind. The people here are nice and have so many compelling passions. It seems like everyone here is enthralled with some interesting hobby.