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New Dashboard and Enhanced Notes for Reservations

New Dashboard and Enhanced Notes for Reservations

The next time you log into your go.Platform, you will notice something new right away. The system now takes you directly to your dashboard notification center. This view is where you typically see your front-end bookings, auto-collect failures and other activity as it comes in real time. Even better, there are a few new features to this immediate snapshot of your business activity as it's happening including notifications of new Client Terminal messages and reservation reminders, which are set by you. See the next section for more details on this update!

[video width="2662" height="1364" mp4="https://www.theflybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/new-dashboard.mp4"][/video]

In addition to the update to your Dashboard, you’ll notice the notes within each reservation have been enhanced. We’ve added new features and capabilities, and in turn have reformatted how these appear. Here is a brief tutorial on the highlights:

Communication with Clients in Terminal (and get notified!)

We’ve upgraded the commenting system between you and your clients in the Client Terminal. Now, a history of comments are recorded with an automatic stamp of who posted the message and when. Also, you are notified on the new main dashboard when a client submits a new message. Check out this video to see how it works.

[video width="2646" height="1390" mp4="https://www.theflybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/client-terminal-messaging.mp4"][/video]


Reservation “Details”

The simple notes in this box are intended to be the one thing you need noted with a reservation system-wide. For example, in your activity or reservation dashboard, this note will appear in the hover-over notification. Someone on your team can share something like: “This group is celebrating their parents' 60th anniversary, please congratulate them upon arrival!”

[video width="2630" height="1388" mp4="https://www.theflybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/reservation-notes.mp4"][/video]


Set Reminders for a Reservation (with an alert!)

You can now set reminders for a date and time that will alert you in the main dashboard.

[video width="2626" height="1366" mp4="https://www.theflybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/reminder-feature.mp4"][/video]

Make Sales, Internal & Travel Notes

New format and capabilities:

  • Automatically apply date/time/user stamp so there is a history of when comments are being made and by whom.
  • Apply priorities and reminders within these groups of notes.
  • Ability to complete or ignore notes, and record who takes those actions.

[video width="2640" height="1400" mp4="https://www.theflybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/internal-and-sales-notes.mp4"][/video]