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Marketing in Your Peak Season

As the peak summer season is upon us, many outdoor recreation and adventure tourism businesses gear up for their busiest and most profitable time. For managers and owners, especially those in family-owned or small businesses, this period is crucial for maximizing revenue and capitalizing on the increase in visitation. However, this period can also be the most challenging as it may provide limited resources to capitalize on the increase in business activity.

Here's a comprehensive guide to help you create and implement an effective marketing campaign that requires less time and effort while focusing on the top priorities - running your business.

Table of Contents

    1. Realistic Planning
    2. Understanding Your Audience
    3. Campaign Outline for Your Use
        1. Objectives
        2. Strategies
        3. Target Audience
        4. Tactics and Action Items
    4. Creating Content 

Realistic Planning

We understand your schedule is packed, leaving little time to peruse articles like this. Below are clear and actionable recommendations to help you make the most of your marketing efforts with minimal time and effort. You'll find the objectives, strategies, and tactics outlined in this guide to streamline your marketing strategy effectively.

If you have the bandwidth to create a more personalized plan, feel free to tailor these objectives and strategies to better suit your needs

Understanding Your Audience

Before spending any time or money on your marketing campaign, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience. For most businesses in our industry, this includes a mix of adventure seekers, families, and wellness enthusiasts.

With time constraints in mind, focusing on a strategy that leverages current data is crucial for effectively implementing tactics that capitalize on the existing audience engaging with your business.

In this marketing campaign, we suggest that you specifically target individuals who have already made a booking.

If you have the chance to focus on another targeted marketing approach, utilize knowledge from previous seasons to segment your audience and tailor your messaging to align with their unique interests and preferences.

Flybook provides a comprehensive suite of marketing tools and features, allowing you to easily segment your contact lists, gain insights into current and past popular offerings, and craft targeted campaigns tailored to specific audiences. Experience the power of our marketing tools firsthand by scheduling a demo today here.

Here is a practical and actionable plan you can implement immediately to maximize your success during the busy season.

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Peak Season Marketing Campaign 


Campaign Outline

Campaign Objectives

    1. Increase engagement of already booked guests
    2. Increase repeat visitation
    3. Prioritize review generation and referrals

Campaign Strategies

    1. Implement automation wherever possible
    2. Incorporate call-to-actions in all communications
    3. Focus on a single target audience

Target Audience

    1. Currently booked customers

Action Items and Tactics

The goal is to create tactics that incorporate your defined strategies while meeting the defined objectives.

Objective One (1) Tactics

    1. Increase engagement from already booked guests:
      1. Create 1-3 email templates that will target currently booked customers.
        1. Automate these emails either through a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform or through your Reservations Software.
          1. Flybook offers an internal CRM and custom email builder so you can include scheduled emails for confirmations, reminders, and marketing campaigns. Discover our email marketing recommendations here
      2. Include a call-to-action in each of the emails.
        1. Offer a promo to book an additional offering.
        2. Offer a referral incentive ("Bring a Friend for 15% off" or "Add a ticket and receive a (company name) gift bag").

Objective Two (2) Tactics

    1. Increase repeat visitation:
      1. Use social media to promote the variety of offerings you have
        1. Include a Call-to-Action in the post or reel to incentivize previous customers to book again.
        2. Incorporate messaging highlighting nostalgia. This creates emotional connections to why customers should come back again to your business.
      2. Create 1-3 email templates targeting the customers who have already come this season.
        1. Automate these emails in the same fashion as in Objective One (1).
          1. Include a call-to-action promoting your shoulder seasons or fall/holiday events or offerings.
            1. Including offerings only available during specific times of the year.

Objective Three (3) Tactics

    1. Prioritize Review Generation and Referrals:
      1. Automate a way for every customer to receive a call-to-action to leave a review.
        1. Flybook partners with SWELL a review generation service which averages a 234% increase in reviews to your business.
        2. Whether through a post-trip email or text message. Collecting a review is an effective call-to-action.
          1. Flybook offers a post-event, automated SMS message to collect feedback and reviews. Explore our automated features here.
      2. Create incentive promotions that target previous visitors to share their experience or tell others about their experience
        1. Send an email or direct mailers that include a call-to-action to encourage referrals.
          1. Examples: "Share this promo code (XXXX) with a friend. If used, you will receive a gift from us (offer specific items so the guest understands what they could win - cooler, branded yeti-mug, discounted future stay, etc)"
            1. Consider utilizing digital gift services like Thnks and Goody if you prefer a hassle-free way to send gifts without a physical delivery.
        1. Post referral promotions on social media 
          1. Including a Call-to-action
          2. Offer the chance to win an item or offering and require people to tag 3+ friends on the social platforms.

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Creating the Content

Keeping your content simple and straightforward is crucial when crafting your messaging, whether it's for an email campaign or a social media post. By maintaining concise text, a clear call-to-action, and integrating your brand identity, you can enhance the impact of your marketing efforts.

AI tools can help create starting templates which you can then edit to reflect your brand and voice. 

Explore the versatility of Flybook's email marketing tool, allowing you to infuse your brand's identity, tailor call-to-actions, and craft visually stunning marketing emails. Experience the impact of our marketing solutions firsthand by booking a demo today.

In conclusion, a well-crafted marketing campaign targeting repeat visitors and referrals is an actionable and beneficial way to capitalize on business during peak season. By understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, and implementing strategic tactics, you can increase engagement, repeat visitation, and referrals with minimal time and effort. Leveraging technology and automation, such as reservation software and CRM platforms, is key to managing these efforts sustainably during your busiest times. Keep your content simple and direct, ensuring clear, concise messages that align with your brand. Implement these strategies to maximize your marketing success and ensure a thriving peak season.

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